Paul Reed Smith Structural Repair

So I had a 2002 Paul Reed Smith Core Standard 22 come in that suffered a massive fall. From what I was told, it feel off a stage and the cable punctured into the side and split the the body and caused all types of havoc. I am going to walk you through how I did the repair and show the before and after.


As you can see, the top has damage but it goes so much deeper.


As you can see here, the entire side was cracked, multiple splits driven in all different directions.


After gluing, I sanded the surface, and removed the debris and created a shelf to be able to graft in new wood to the area.

The back had a chunk missing and I had to open the hole, graft in new wood and reshape.


Here I grafted new wood into the top, filling in the shelf I had to remove.


After hours of sanding and filling other dings on the top that resulted from the fall, I just stripped the top and started a new.

I started with this burst, and hide all the repair, I then touched up a couple areas like the upper right horn that needed just a little more color.

I started with this burst, and hide all the repair, I then touched up a couple areas like the upper right horn that needed just a little more color.


Besides the control cavity that was messed up prior to me receiving this, the back is starting to look more as it should and the final details of the burst are being done. The repair is solid, the guitar is 100% stage ready, and will be continuing to make music across the country once again.